90 Days From Now: Daily, Weekly, Monthly Manifestation Planner
Manifest your top desires in 90 days or less.
How Does it Work?
You first start by doing an agreement with your higher self - a spiritual commitment that you will honor yourself and your desires by completing the planner. Next you will do a life review whereby you identify your hearts true desires as well as get radically honest about what is *not* working in your life through our signature 'life review' and 'life visioning' process of 4 life areas: Relationships, Health, Career and Time & Money Freedom.
Setting Your Goal
After creating the vision for your life, you will then break this down into your top 1 to 3 goals for the 90 days! You will then work with vibration and action using our monthly, weekly and daily planner spread.
Monthly Planner
Each month you will plan our your activities to be in alignment with your new manifestation. If there is something you are calling into being, you will be asked to make room for it vibrationally as well as give back to the universe to get yourself in harmony and flow. You will also be asked multiple questions to help you laser focus your goals and self improvement during the month.
Personal Development Goal Incorporation Every Month
Every month, you will write out your financial goals, new books and learning you'll incorporate, if you'll invest in coaching or education, and how you'll create more energetic space.
Weekly Planner
Plan out your week by identifying what vibration you want to embody and place it on the calendar. Track your weekly habits that support the life you are creating.
Weekly Habit Tracker & Vibrational Alignment
Each week you'll be asked to chart out on the calendar how you'll vibrationally get in alignment with your desires.
Daily Vibrational & Real World Action
While Manifesting, you will be working with your vibrational alignment as well as your real world action. The left side of each day's spread asks you to write out gratitude, as well as your affirmations twice, daily. There are also vibrational exercises to get you into harmony with what you are creating.
Left Side of Day Planner - Spiritual and Vibrational Alignment
On the left side of the day page, we will be writing out our gratitude and writing out our goals two times daily. Research shows that high achievers and goal accomplishers write down their goals twice daily.
Right Side of Day Planner
Each day you will focus on 'real world' outer action to accomplish your goal, including giving back and taking a "big leap" that propels you forward.
Weekly and Monthly Review
After each week and month, you will be asked to track your top goals and progress. Identify what worked - do more of it, and identify what didn't work and work to change it.
Vision Board
Draw or print out images of the goals that you are calling into being. Look at it daily, multiple times a day to change your subconscious mind.
Why this planner works:
- You will be using a beautiful and sacred mix of spiritual vibrational practices to align yourself vibrationally with your desires as well as real world action. Through your spiritual practice, you will be asking for guidance on exactly *which* action steps to take to achieve your goals.
- We focus on giving back. When you give, the universe hears that you are abundant and reflects that energy back to you in the form of abundance.
- We focus on "big leaps" - YES, we take HUGE steps to achieve our goals. In these weekly and daily big leaps, you'll be taking a huge step you might have before deemed "impossible" "scary" or "out of your league" - these "big leaps" can also be called "shoot your shot" - because you'll be shooting for the sky in these actions, thereby pushing you forward.
- Success Psychology: Daily you will be focusing on what went *right* - the more you focus on what went right and congratulate yourself for the little things, the more you will be propelled towards *excellence in action*.
- Success Psychology: You will be writing out your goals two times a day, and research shows those who write down their goals have a higher percentage success rate in achieving them. We are working with our hippocampus and our subconscious mind here to re-program yourself towards the correct actions to take to achieve our goals.
- Daily Gratitude: You will be asked to write down your gratitude list - this list will keep you in vibrational harmony with "blessings" and you will continue to attract things in your life in which to be grateful.